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Friday, May 13, 2011

5/13 In-Class Exercise

1.) In the game new players would be protected from veteran players by being put in limited areas that only they have access to. In the game much like factions you have to choose to either be a white blood cell or some aspect of the hosts immune system or the virus that infects it. There is a victory condition where one side will completely fend off the opposing force. The host's immunity can either adapt to the virus/bacteria or the virus can evolve into something too lethal and kill the host. 

2.) Think of the game as the immune system or viruses in real life. They are constantly replacing the old with the new. So if an veteran player or player in general decides to quit someone new will take his or her place as either a virus or part of the immune system. There isn't much free will in deciding which side to be on because the game puts you on the side thats lacking either immunity or virus to keep the numbers or players on each faction in a certain balance to prevent a distinguishing victory. (Game never ends). And if it just happens to come to a close thats why you have expansion packs for with a new host and entirely new fight. 

3.) There isn't an individual score for each player but more like an accumulative score. There are advantages to a faction or side having a higher total score leading to more access to different parts of the body allowing for a stronger spread and closer to ending the host. In this sense the game isn't entirely fair to the losing side but we try and balance it by adding or sending the new players to the losing faction. 

4.) If a player decides to disconnect his/her self from the game whether on purpose or connectivity issues wont prevent a virus or white blood cell from coming over and eliminating them from the game. The battle between the human body and invading virus/diseases isn't peaceful, a very hostile place. So the player in essence must feel the hostility in his/her environment. 

5.) In order to prevent players from stalling once combat has been engaged is by allowing a set number of players entering a battle. We set a timer on the players and the penalty for taking to long to make is a move is by allowing the opposite faction to let in reinforcements. The goal would be to end encounters as quick as possible. If not then the opposing side gets reinforcements. This leads to an endless conflict between the two sides. Because someone will always stall mainly because the timer only gets shorter and shorter so at some point someone will make a mistake allowing for opposing reinforcements. It is possible to afk but know it comes at the risk of being wiped out. 

6.) There will be an implemented chat filter for players along with an ignore system. Also theres a mechanic where if a player gets enough votes from the community as a whole they can be voted out of the faction find of like replacing old or bad blood with the new. This will force alliances within the factions as well as a short cut to switching sides if one player decides to leave the faction he was placed in from the beginning. You also can't speak to players in the opposite faction. 

7.)You can't prevent players from opposing sides in communicating. This system in away allows for corruption to occur. People can organize attacks on each other better by having people on the inside. But even when things are organized the host has its own immunity bots that protect vital organs or "major cities" which aren't player controlled like bots that are AI. These are powerful stronger than any individual player could ever be to prevent total annihilation. 

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